o document a new Incident form, use the let navigation pane and click "New Incident"
From the Incident page, select the incident you would like to begin.
Fill out the form utilizing the text fields, dropdown and select options.
Additional functions fromt he menu bar:
Attach photos
Create a new assignable task
Delete the incident
Print out the incident form
Save current progress of the form.
To complete the form, fill out the required fields, and click on the "Finish" button at the bottom of the page. Forms Submitted will be put into an "In Review" state, and must be closed out by an admin to complete it.
This document will highlight performing inspections with your LSU Health SafetyStratus site. The information highlighted in this document is only available to those system users with Inspector and Administrator roles within your site.
From the main page, click on New Inspection from the left navigation pane.
The application will launch a New Inspection and default to the Location tab, as shown below.
On the Location screen, you must select an inspectable object by searching by the name of the Group (i.e. Dental, Seton, OBGYN clinic, etc).
When you have selected a Group, all the details for that particular Group will be displayed. Click on Confirm Selection to proceed to the Settings tab.
The Inspection Date defaults to the current date. You can optionally edit/ backdate the inspection by checking Override.
From the Inspection Type dropdown, select the Inspection template you wish to use.
This information auto-fills for all groups. If you add multiple inspection templates, this will be a dropdown of those templates.
Select the Department that is associated with the inspectable object (group, asset, room, etc.).
This information will auto-fill based after the selection of an inspection template.
In the Roster section of the Settings tab, the Inspectors have the ability to edit the Inspection roster for that object or group
4A To add users to the roster, search for them via the search box.
4B Then click the Add button
4C To remove roster members, click the red trash can next to their name.
4D In the row next to each roster member's name, you may optionally check to Receive Email If you wish to have an email notification sent to that user upon completion of your audit. If you do not select this, the Users will only receive a notification If a corrective action(s) has been found and assigned.
Verify that at least one individual has been assigned to each of the listed roles.
For Broad Institute, Responsible Party has been the role assigned to users that are responsible for addressing Corrective Actions.
After each of the above steps has been completed, click Start Inspection.
All the individuals listed on the roster are available to be chosen and assigned corrective actions, but those designated as the 'Responsible party' in this step would be listed as the default option for the template.
You may uncheck/check inspectable objects under a Group to exclude or include them in the Group Inspection being performed.
After all of the above steps have been completed, click Start Inspection.
Adding/removing roster members in this screen will change the Inspection roster for future inspections.
The Questions page is the main inspection page. An Inspector may answer questions, assign corrective actions, enter comments, and attach photos on this page. When the Inspector is finished, they can Save and Exit, Review, and/or Complete the Inspection.
Questions for each inspection are organized into Categories (1). Click the Category dropdown to expand and navigate amongst them. You may save your responses by clicking on the Save button (2) at any time.
As you navigate from one category to another, your responses in the category you are leaving are automatically saved.
For each question, a preset group of responses is available (1). In most instances, selecting ‘No’ will trigger a Corrective Action dialog box. In some cases, the answer to a question may open additional questions below (i.e., parent/child questions).
2.For any question where no corrective action is to be generated/assigned, but where you do wish to make a comment (e.g., “Great job with this,” or “No action necessary but be careful/this needs improvement”) the appropriate place for such a comment is in the Question Comment box (2).
In a question where an action triggering response is selected, a Corrective Action is generated, and the question will expand to reveal the below Action area.
Within the Corrective Action area, Inspectors have an option to edit the details of that action. From here, you may change:
3A - Assigned To - the individual responsible for correcting the corrective action.
3B - Corrected - Was it Corrected on-site?
3C - Days Until Due - The days until the Corrective action is due
3D - Comments - Add Action comments or additional details about the action noted.
3E - Attach File - Attach pictures and files to the corrective action for further detail.
If needed, you can document additional instances of the same corrective action, which can be done by clicking Add+. Doing so will generate an additional action, which can be edited/completed as described in the Corrective action tab.
Once all the questions in all the categories have been completed, select the Save button once more to save all the responses (5A), and then proceed to the Notes tab (5B).
In addition, Inspectors can optionally add notes via the Notes tab to any comments entered or corrective actions assigned for a question. These notes are most often generalized comments about the overall inspection, interactions or conversations with lab staff on-site, or anything else the inspector wishes to document.
Once all the questions/responses/actions/notes have been entered, you can either click Review Inspection (A) to display the Review window or Complete Inspection (B) to complete and submit the inspection report.
If you wish to complete the inspection at a later time, you may do so after making sure all of your responses have been saved. The inspection can be found and reopened later via the Continue an Inspection link in the left navigation pane.
On the Continue an Inspection screen, you may search for an inspection via the filter options found above the table. To start any inspection from this page, click the green Continue icon next to the desired inspection in the list. You may also choose to cancel an inspection from this page.
If you choose Review Inspection, a popup window appears which summarizes the entire inspection, including any corrective actions that have been cited and assigned.
Once you have reviewed the entire inspection and are satisfied with the content, actions, etc., and are ready to submit it, click the green Complete Inspection button in the top left of the window. All appropriate email notifications associated with this inspection will now be dispatched, and the actions officially assigned to users.
An alternative route by which you may start an inspection is by clicking on Pending Inspections (i.e., those that are overdue or soon-will-be overdue). This is done by first clicking the Pending Inspections link from the left navigation pane.
From the Pending Inspections screen, you may search or organize the list of inspectable objects (i.e., groups, assets, rooms) via the filter options (1)found above the table. To Start (2) any inspection from this page, click the green start icon next to the desired inspection in the list.
It is important for Inspectors to periodically follow up on their completed inspections to ensure all the corrective actions assigned have been addressed appropriately.
To view completed inspections, log in to the platform and click on Completed Inspections from the left navigation pane.
1A -- On the Completed Inspections page, you may filter the table of inspections by inspector name in order to view only inspections you performed
1B -- You may also filter by inspection date by customizing the date range.
2 -- Open any inspection by clicking the View Inspection Report icon.
When the inspection page opens, you will be presented with the Simple View summary page, where all the corrective actions are listed at the bottom.
For each corrective action, you can view your original inspector notes, as well as any action completion information entered by the lab member.
It is also important that inspectors monitor open inspections and actions (i.e., those that have not yet been addressed or closed). This can be done in two ways.
1. Click on Corrective Actions from the left navigation pane, after which you will be directed to the Open Inspections page.
2. You may filter the table of Open Inspections using a variety of options, all of which can be accessed by clicking on the Filters button.
3. For any listed inspections, you may view its associated open actions by clicking the Manage button. This will present a popup of the Inspection Management window.
4. Within the Inspection Management window, you may view all the corrective actions that have not yet been addressed.
5. Another way inspectors can monitor open actions is by clicking the Open Actions tab (5) within the Corrective Actions page. This will direct you to a table that individually lists all the open corrective actions
6. As with the Open Inspections page, you can filter the Open Actions table using the options available under Filters (6).
To view a listed Open action, you may either
7A) Click the "down arrow” next to the action’s due date to expand a brief summary of the action, or
7B) Click the Manage icon associated with that action to view its details.
The assigned users of corrective action(s) have the option of requesting an extension on the deadline. You can manage these extension requests by following the below steps.
Navigate to the Corrective Actions page from the main menu, after which you will need to click on the Extension Requests tab at the top of the screen
The presence of any Unanswered Extension Requests (1) is indicated by the red number badge on the tab itself. For any new extension requests, click the Manage (2) icon for that request. This will present a popup of the Corrective Action Management Window.
3. In the Correction Action Management Window, click on the Extend (3) option to display the Extend Due Date Window. Once Extend Due Date Window is displayed, edit/provide the Requested Extension Date and Reason for Extension. Click Extend.
4. As with the Open Inspections page, you can filter the Extension Requests table using the options available under Filters. Click Respond(5) to Open the Extension Request Management Window
In the Extension Request Management Window, you will see a summary of the action in question, the current due date, the requested extension date, and the user's reason for the extension. You may either Approve (1) or Deny (2) the extension request, or you may optionally change the New Due Date yourself.
After you have made any necessary date changes, click the Approve or deny button. An email notification will then be dispatched to the user informing them of your decision.
If you have any additional questions, please contact your project manager, Stephenie Langston, or support@safetystratus.com.
Overview of the inspection types available.
Used for inspecting Principal Investigators.
Principal Investigators with laboratory rosters.
Used to inspect assets which need to be individually tracked.
Chemical fume hoods & Biosafety cabinets
Used to inspect groups of objects such as assets & rooms that require inspection all at once.
Building inspections, Fire exstinguisher inspections
Inspections have been placed on a schedule, which can be found under Pending Inspections or the Compliance Calendar.
Client-Specific User Guide
Welcome to the SafetyStratus User Guide for LSU Administrators and Inspectors. Please use this as a guide for the use of your SafetyStratus platform. Should any questions arise during your use of the product, please reach out to the SafetyStratus Support Team at support@safetystratus.com.
For incidents that have been saved, put in review, but not yet closed out, they can be found under the "Open Incidents" page.
From the Open Incidents page:
Use the dropdown menu to select between the Incident Types (DA2000 or DA3000)
Use the filter function to filter through the forms
Set a date range to view incidents created between those ranges
Click the "View" button to view/open that incident
Click the "Archive" button to delete the form
If continuing an In-Progress form, clicking the finish button at the bottom of the form will submit it for review.
When a form is submitted, it will be placed in an "In Review" state, and must be closed out by the admin. By viewing an open/In review form"
Use the status dropdown to adjust the status between In Review and Closed.
Add an image to the form.
Create a task.
Delete form.
Export the form as a pdf.
Inventory Review Template Inspections
This document will highlight performing inspections with your LSU Health SafetyStratus site. The information highlighted in this document is only available to those system users with Inspector and Administrator roles within your site.
From the main page, click on New Inspection from the left navigation pane.
The application will launch a New Inspection and default to the Location tab, as shown below.
On the Location screen, you must select an inspectable object by searching by the name of the User, Group, or Room.
When you have selected a User, all the details for that particular User will be displayed. Click on Confirm Selection to proceed to the Settings tab.
The Inspection Date defaults to the current date. You can optionally edit/ backdate the inspection by checking Override.
From the Inspection Type dropdown, select the Inventory Review template you wish to use.
Select the Department that is associated with the inspectable object (group, asset, room, etc.).
In the Roster section of the Settings tab, the Inspectors have the ability to edit the Inspection roster for that object or group
4A To add users to the roster, search for them via the search box.
4B Then click the Add button
4C To remove roster members, click the red trash can next to their name.
4D In the row next to each roster member's name, you may optionally check to Receive Email If you wish to have an email notification sent to that user upon completion of your audit. If you do not select this, the Users will only receive a notification If a corrective action(s) has been found and assigned.
Verify that at least one individual has been assigned to each of the listed roles.
For Broad Institute, Responsible Party has been the role assigned to users that are responsible for addressing Corrective Actions.
After each of the above steps has been completed, click Start Inspection.
Start Inspection --> After all of the above steps have been completed, click Start Inspection.
The Questions page is the main inspection page. An Inspector may answer questions, assign corrective actions, enter comments, and attach photos on this page. When the Inspector is finished, they can Save and Exit, Review, and/or Complete the Inspection.
For each question, a preset group of responses is available (1). In most instances, selecting ‘No’ will trigger a Corrective Action dialog box. In some cases, the answer to a question may open additional questions below (i.e., parent/child questions).
For any question where no corrective action is to be generated/assigned, but where you do wish to make a comment (e.g., “Great job with this,” or “No action necessary but be careful/this needs improvement”) the appropriate place for such a comment is in the Question Comment box (2).
In a question where an action triggering response is selected, a Corrective Action is generated, and the question will expand to reveal the below Action area.
Within the Corrective Action area, Inspectors have an option to edit the details of that action. From here, you may change:
3A - Assigned To - the individual responsible for correcting the corrective action.
3B - Action Scope - Displays the scope of the user(who is performing an inspection).
3C - Days Until Due - The days until the Corrective action is due
3D - Comments - Add Action comments or additional details about the action noted.
3E - Attach File - Attach pictures and files to the corrective action for further detail.
If needed, you can document additional instances of the same corrective action, which can be done by clicking Add+. Doing so will generate an additional action, which can be edited/completed as described in the Corrective action tab.
Once all the questions in all the categories have been completed, select the Save button once more to save all the responses (5A), and then proceed to the Notes tab (5B).
In addition, Inspectors can optionally add notes via the Notes tab to any comments entered or corrective actions assigned for a question. These notes are most often generalized comments about the overall inspection, interactions or conversations with lab staff on-site, or anything else the inspector wishes to document.
Once all the questions/responses/actions/notes have been entered, you can either click Review Inspection (A) to display the Review window or Complete Inspection (B) to complete and submit the inspection report.
If you wish to complete the inspection at a later time, you may do so after making sure all of your responses have been saved. The inspection can be found and reopened later via the Continue an Inspection link in the left navigation pane.
On the Continue an Inspection screen, you may search for an inspection via the filter options found above the table. To start any inspection from this page, click the green Continue icon next to the desired inspection in the list. You may also choose to cancel an inspection from this page.
If you choose Review Inspection, a popup window appears which summarizes the entire inspection, including any corrective actions that have been cited and assigned.
Once you have reviewed the entire inspection and are satisfied with the content, actions, etc., and are ready to submit it, click the green Complete Inspection button in the top left of the window. All appropriate email notifications associated with this inspection will now be dispatched, and the actions officially assigned to users.
The Compliance Calendar allows standardized management of compliance activity to gain efficiency and effectiveness. Users can easily gauge the success of compliance activity by proactively monitoring to ensure deadlines are not missed. You may set up automatic reminders and escalating notifications for pending deadlines.
Select Compliance Calendar on the left side menu to be navigated to the below page.
You may choose from different Calendar views by picking any of the Calendar Templates or Filters available on this page.
Toggle through the months to look at different months/yrs
Click on each radio button/drop down menu to see only those filter results displayed on the Compliance Calendar
Clear Filters will clear out any filters and reset for a new search
Under the Filters, click on Advanced Filters - None Selected as seen below to display more filters by Location, Facility, User Tags and Assigned Inspectors. Boxes can be checked and unchecked to display the appropriate results for those parameters.
Each displayed Calendar Item can be opened to display a dialog box specific to that event (as seen below - managing events), which has a link that can manage that particular event. In this case, as seen below, the corrective action displayed in blue once clicked, shows the 'manage action' link which can be used to manage that particular corrective actions (on how to manage corrective actions, please look under Web-Based Inspections -> Open Action Follow up).
Incident forms that are complete and have been submitted will be located in the "Closed Incidents" Page.
From the Closed Incidents page:
Use the dropdown to select the type of form to view (DA2000 or DA3000)
Use the filter function to filter through the forms
Set a date range to view incidents created between those ranges
View a Closed incident.
By viewing a closed form, you can:
Start a new Incident form.
Crate a task.
Re-open the incident form and change its status into "In Review".
Export the form into it's respective pdf.
This page will describe where to access your current chemical inventory.
To access your Chemical, Biological, and Radioactive Material Inventory, begin by clicking the Inventories link on the left-hand menu (1).
You will then arrive at the Inventory main page, which lists all of your current Chemical/Radioactive inventory. There are various filter options to help you sort the current inventory.
To add a new item to your chemical inventory, begin by clicking the Add Chemicals and Compounds button (1).
Follow the steps below to add chemicals to your inventory from the Manage Inventory page.
On the Manage Inventory screen that appears, search for your PI or Group name.
Select the location at which the item will be located/stored.
Search for the new chemical item via any of the search fields and click Find Your Catalog Item.
Of the results that appear, select your desired item.
Note: Multiple pages of results may be found; you can narrow those results by entering additional search information, i.e., Supplier, CAS, Product Number, etc.
6. Upon selection, chemical details will be auto-filled for certain sections of the form.
7. Complete entering the chemical details.
8. Once finalized, select Submit to save the inventory item. 6
If your chemical search is unable to yield results from the system catalog, a Create New Catalog Item button will appear below.
After clicking the Create New Catalog Item button, the Manage Inventory page expands to enter additional details about the new inventory item. These fields must be completed to accurately add them to the inventory for future searches.
Once you have finished entering the details, select Submit to enter the item into your inventory.
On the main Inventory page, there are two tabs, one for Chemicals and Compounds and second for Radioactive Materials. Based on what tab is highlighted or clicked on, you are presented with a table containing all of your current Chemical inventory or Radioactive Material Inventory.
For any listed inventory item, you may click the blue ‘v‘ symbol to expand and quickly view important details of that chemical, including hazard information and a link to that chemical’s SDS. To view this information in more detail, select the blue Details icon.
The chemical details screen that appears contains all of the data that is found in the expanded table view of the chemical item. This view also provides a viewable/downloadable NIH PubChem Compound Summary (if available for that compound) and a link to search for the SDS.
A guide to Radioactive Inventory Management
Seamlessly add new radioactive material into your institution’s Inventory. Monitor & manage radioactive material inventories across your institution. Isotope activities of inventoried materials are calculated and updated in real-time. Manage licenses and issue permits, renewals & amendments for authorized users (Permits).
To access Inventory, click on the Inventories link from the left menu. You may alternatively also access Inventory under Data Manager.
Under Inventory, you can search for existing Radioactive materials using the Filters available or create Inventory on this page.
Search for an Element, Compound, or Isotope; if it is not already available, you may go ahead and Create Inventory.
You may Edit Inventory by clicking on the pencil icon next to the respective entry. Upon clicking the Edit button you are able to update details and save them to the same Catalog entry or create a New Catalog Entry.
Click on the Surveys option to view the Survey history for an Isotope.
Upon clicking on Dispose the Inventory Disposal Form appears for the user to enter the Activity Used and Quality Used. To move Inventory into Waste, the activity must be entered into each of the containers directly or by percentage and then hit Submit Log.
You can use the Sub-Vial option to split the contents of your main container.
You can apply available Filters and Export the required RAM inventory information in a CSV file format.
The following guides users on how to edit and update existing inventory.
Work within a laboratory space continually changes. SafetyStratus has features that empower users to keep an accurate and up-to-date inventory.
To edit existing inventory details, select the Edit icon to open the Manage Inventory page. This page will allow you to edit all details about a chemical including updating details like expiration dates and dates when chemical containers are opened. Once you are satisfied with the update, select Submit.
Manage Inventory allows you to edit existing inventory details. The edit button should not be used to update things like disposed chemicals, replaced chemicals, and dispensed chemicals.
To manage your active inventory, SafetyStratus allows you to dispose, dispense, and replace for chemicals within the inventory.
Disposing of chemicals within your inventory may be done in bulk or for a single inventory item. To begin, select the Dispose icon. The Dispose Inventory page will allow you to dispose of all or some of the inventory currently entered.
For items that are routinely ordered for the laboratory, you may utilize the Replace option to replace existing inventory. This option opens the Replace Inventory page.
In the event that a container is divided and dispensed among a series of containers, you can note this in the inventory by creating dispensed containers. These containers are associated with the original container and the amount dispensed is subtracted from the original container quantity.
Bulk transfer is available for inventories. This enables entire inventory sets to be transferred to another member company by selecting the chemicals and individuals receiving the material.
Once the window opens you may choose to transfer surplus inventory or transfer ownership of chemicals. Select the group for which you want to transfer inventory and the location the chemicals are moving to within LSU. Once entered, select Submit.
This document will highlight performing inspections Single Asset (such as Fume Hood, BioSafety Cabinet) vs a Group (with multiple Assets by Building) with your LSU Health SafetyStratus site. The information highlighted in this document is only available to those system users with Inspector and Administrator roles within your site.
The below example will highlight the Inspection for a Single Fume Hood
From the main page, click on New Inspection from the left navigation pane (1). Uncheck the boxes for Group, User, and only have the Asset checked (2). For Example, To search for Fume Hood, type in Fume (or fume hood, in order to pull list of fume hoods) in Search box, and pick the Fume Hood being Inspected from the dropdown menu (3). Then click Confirm Selection to start the Inspection on the right.
Once Confirming Selection, to perform the Inspection, please follow the Instructions as highlighted for LSU Health User Guide under Inspections -> Web-based Inspections -> Performing a New Inspection
Below is an example of Corrective Action (1) Generated with a response of 'No' for one of the Questions for the Chemical Fume Hood Asset. It is Assigned to the User on the Roster for the Chemical Fume Hood.
It is an example of a Corrective Action generated with a Single Asset (as seen below), which in this case is a Chemical Fume Hood. Further, follow the instructions as highlighted under Web-based Inspections to Complete the Inspection.
To Review the Corrective Actions during the Inspection, click on Review Inspection as shown below.
Below shows the Corrective Action(s) Generated, in this case, two were generated for the example Chemical Fume Hood.
Corrective Actions can also be accessed once an Inspection is Completed by clicking on Corrective Actions on Left Navigation Menu. For more directions, please look under the User Guide for Web-Based Inspections -> Open Inspection/Open Action Follow up.
The below example will highlight the Inspection for a Group with multiple Assets tied to it.
From the main page, click on New Inspection from the left navigation pane (1). Uncheck the boxes for Asset, User, and only have the Group checked (2). Below shows an example of Group of X-Ray machines in a building (multiple Assets). Click Confirm Selection to start Inspection.
Once Confirming Selection, to perform the Inspection, please follow the Instructions as highlighted for LSU Health User Guide under Inspections -> Web-based Inspections -> Performing a New Inspection
For Multiple Assets, as shown below, box can be checked or unchecked (3) to select which Asset(s) are included in the Inspection.
During the Inspection, if a Corrective Action is generated, as seen below, the Action Scope (4) drop down can be used to include which Asset (in this case X-Ray machine) is part of the Corrective Action. If multiple X-Ray machines are involved, more than one can be selected in the drop down menu.
To review the corrective actions during the Inspection, click Review Inspection on right top corner. As seen in below example, when multiple assets (in this case, X-Ray machines) are selected as part of Action Scope, they are shown (5) along with the user the corrective action Assigned To.
Corrective Actions can also be accessed once an Inspection is Completed by clicking on Corrective Actions on Left Navigation Menu. For more directions, please look under the User Guide for Web-Based Inspections -> Open Inspection/Open Action Follow up.
RAM Permit
Select the applicable owner with a valid Permit
Adam Smith (RAML1023)
RAM Permit Line
Select the applicable Radioactive Materials License containing Order limit & Possession limit
S- 35 ( SS License ) [Order Limit: 10.00 Ci| Possession Limit: 20.00]
Select the applicable Isotope
S- 35 Sulphur
Physical Form
Select the applicable Isotope form - Solid, liquid, Gas, Mixture
Enter the Compound
Enter the applicable Manufacturer name
Perkin Elmer
Model/Product Number
Enter the applicable Model & Product Number
Enter the applicable Code number for Isotope
Enter the applicable Lot number
Assay Date/ Time
Enter the Assay date and Time
06:15 PM
Original Activity
Enter the Original Activity of Isotope
250.00000 uCi
Assayed Activity
Enter the Assayed Activity of Isotope
97.00000 uCi
Current Quantity
Enter the current quantity of Isotope
1 ml
Enter any applicable notes for the Inventory
P-32 half-life - 14.268 days
Ordered, Delivered, In Stock, Decayed, etc.
Enter applicable Code name
Physical Form
Select the applicable Isotope form - Solid, liquid, Gas, Mixture
Enter the Chemical Compound
Extracted Activity
Input Activity of extracted material
97.00000 uCi
Extracted Quantity
Input the Volume of material removed from the main vial
10 mL
Additional Quantity
The Volume of the additional solution present ( if any)
5 mL
Total Quantity
Total Volume of the new Vial
15 mL
The Compliance Calendar allows standardized management of compliance activity to gain efficiency and effectiveness. Administrators can easily gauge the success of compliance activity by proactively monitoring to ensure deadlines are not missed. You may set up automatic reminders and escalating notifications for pending deadlines.
Select Compliance Calendar on the left side menu to be navigated to the below page.
You may choose from different Calendar views by picking any of the Calendar Templates or Filters available on this page.
Toggle through the months to look at different months/yrs
Click on each radio button/drop down menu to see only those filter results displayed on the Compliance Calendar
Clear Filters will clear out any filters and reset for a new search
Under the Filters, click on Advanced Filters - None Selected as seen below to display more filters by Location, Facility, User Tags and Assigned Inspectors. Boxes can be checked and unchecked to display the appropriate results for those parameters.
Each displayed Calendar Item can be opened to display a dialog box specific to that event (as seen below - managing events), which has a link that can manage that particular event. In this case, as seen below, the corrective action displayed in blue once clicked, shows the 'manage action' link which can be used to manage that particular corrective actions (on how to manage corrective actions, please look under Web-Based Inspections -> Open Action Follow up).
An example of Managing the Pending Inspection. Once clicked, gives the user chance to restart the inspection to complete that particular pending inspection
To access Bulletins, navigate the left pane and click on Send Bulletins as seen below.
The below menu is displayed after clicking on Send Bulletins. It shows the number of notifications sent In-App, by Email or by SMS. Click on Send New Notifications as seen below to start a new Notification.
There is choice to send Notification through In App Bulletins, or Email or via SMS. Choose the Radio button that is appropriate for your message, type the message and click Next Page.
Message can be sent to specific group by filtering through each parameter as shown, such as Everyone, or specific Rooms, or Organization or Departments etc (1). In this example, Organization is chosen.
Send Notification To can be used to filter which Organization the notification needs to be sent to as seen. (2)
Option is given to send on to those Users with a set role, in this example, Principal Investigator is chosen (3)
Click Next Page
In the next dialog box that is displayed, you can confirm the exact number of recipients this message will be sent to as seen in the picture below (To Send Message). This is a chance to Review who exactly the message is being sent to, the message itself and number of recipients in that bucket.
Once confirmed, click confirm. Or Cancel to cancel the process. Or Previous to make any changes to the message or who the message is being sent to.
Client license data may be configured on the Licenses page. Multiple licenses may be added and you have the ability to update them as needed.
Filters available under Licenses -
Orion Sevices
Line Number
Physical Form
Solid, Liquid, Gas
License Number
Carbon, Barium, Phosphorous
P-32, C-14
When selecting to add a new license or editing an existing license, you may update the fields listed below.
License Name
Orion Sevices
License Number
License Status
Active/ Inactive
License line items are overall institutional limits for isotopes. These limits impact the limits of your permits and the inventories within your site.
Orion Sevices
Line Number
Carbon -14, Phosphorous - 32
Possession Limit
2500.0000 mci
Physical Form
Solid, Liquid
Phosphine, Ethanol
To create a new Permit Type, click on Add New Permit Type.
Provide Permit Description
Biosafety Project Registration
Provide Permit Abbreviation
Duration (Years)
Provide Permit Validity
1 Year
Amendable Permit?
Is the Permit Amendable
Yes/ No
Permit for Radioactive Materials?
Is the Permit for Radioactive Materials
Yes/ No
Permit Form
Select the applicable Permit Form
Biosafety Project Registration Form
Permit Status
Active / Inactive
Enable Permit Expiration notifications
Enable Permit Expiration notifications
Yes/ No
First Reminder
First Reminder Notification Timeline
10 days before due date
Second Reminder
Second Reminder Notification Timeline
7 days before due date
Third Reminder
Third Reminder Notification Timeline
3 days before due date
Select Inspection Template for Permit
Select Inspection Template for Permit if applicable
Personnel Safety Inspection
Permit Instructions
Provide any Permit specific Instructions
Pass Personnel Safety Inspection in addition to Permit approval
Enable Transfer Permit?
Is it a Permit transferable?
Yes/ No
The Filters available under Permits are -
Permit Holder
Adam Smith
Confined Space Permit
Active/ Inactive
Permit Number
To create a new Permit Record, click on Add Permit Record (pictured above).
Input applicable user name
Sarah Jane
Permit Type
Input applicable Permit Type
Certificate of Fitness
Permit Number
Input applicable Permit Number
Issue Date
Permit Issue date
Permit Expiry date
Based on a User's Permit Type, the type of Isotopes, the Possession limits, and Permitted spaces are determined.
Based on the Permit approval received, a user needs to adhere to the possession limits during Ordering and maintaining the Current Inventory at all times. A user cannot exceed the possession limit approved ( Current Inventory quanitity+ Quantity of Order placed) or order Isotopes, not part of the Permit approved.
A user may only handle/ use the Radioactive Materials in Permitted Spaces that are listed on the Permit.
A guide to settings available under Waste module.
Accurately track containers across your institution, from work areas to storage sites. Control your waste inventory, searchable by waste type, container contents, and more. Receive electronic waste pickup requests placed by authorized users. Authorized users can also submit requests for supplies, such as containers & labels.
A new Container Type can be created by clicking on the Create New Container Type button. You can apply available Filters (1) and search for existing Category Types. The Waste Container Types can also be exported using the Export Waste Container Types button (3). To Edit (4) the details of an existing Container Type click on the pencil icon next to the corresponding Container Type.
Provide applicable Container Description
Liquid Waste Container
Provide the applicable Container Type code
LWC -1
Waste Type
Select Waste Type from the dropdown
Mixed Waste, Animal Carcasses, Drain Disposal
Input applicable Container Capacity
Capacity Unit
Input applicable Capacity Uni
Gallon, Liter, Pound, Kilogram, etc.
Input applicable Container Material
Head type
Input applicable Container Head type
Open, Closed
Allowed Parent Container
A Parent Container is allowed
Regulated Disposal
The Container disposal is regulated
Required Level to Create
User permissions required
General User, Admin, Inspector, Area Manager
Show General Contents on Creation
Show General Contents on Creation?
A new Container can be created by clicking on the Create New Container (2) button. You can apply available Filters (1) and search for existing Containers. The Waste Containers can also be exported using the Export Waste Container Types button (5). To Edit (7) the details of an existing Container click on the pencil icon next to the corresponding Container.
Container Type
Provide applicable Container Description
Dry Waste Container
Waste Type
Check the Waste Type populated
Dry Active Waste
Container Number
Input applicable Container Number
Container Owner
Input applicable Container Owner
Sara Jane
Container Location
Input applicable Container Location
Main Campus -SS
Allowed Parent Container
Allow a Parent Container?
Public Container
Public Container?
Container Weight
Input applicable Container Weight
5 kilograms
Container Volume
Input applicable Container Volume
5 gallons
DOT Labels
Select applicable DOT Labels
Inhalation Hazard, Radioactive, Corrosive
EPA Codes
Select applicable EPA Codes
D 01 Corrosivity, D02 Ignitability, D03 Reactivity, D04 Toxicity
Input applicable Container Notes
Highly corrosive
Input applicable Container status
Disposed, Storage, Archive, etc.
Step 1: Fill in the Waste Disposal details.
Shipment or Disposal Date
Fill in the applicable Date
Disposal Method
Select the Disposal Method from the dropdown
Drain Disposal
Select the applicable status
Preparing for Disposal, Shipped, Closed
Manifest Number
Input the applicable Manifest Number
Shipping Name
Input the applicable Shipping Name
Waste flammable liquids
EPA ID Number
Input the applicable EPA ID
Step 2: Fill in the Waste Containers details for multiple Containers that have been selected for Bulk Dispose.
Container Ownership
Select applicable COntainer Owners
Adam Smith
Josephine Tiller
Total Container Weight
Input applicable Total Container Weight
27 lbs
Total Container Volume
Input applicable Total Container Volume
9 gal
Content Description
Provide Content Description
Aggregated Contents
Provide details of the Aggregated Contents
[Carbon-14 ] 344.64666 uCi
[Hydrogen-3 ] 160.01216 uCi
DOT Labels
Provide details of DOT Labels as applicable
Inhalation Hazard, Radioactive, Corrosive
EPA Codes
Provide EPA Codes as applicable
Spent solvent wastes, Explosives Manufacturing, Wood preservation, etc.
Last Container Survey
Provide details of last Container Survey
No Survey / Performed Survey results
Step 3: You may Perform New Survey on this page and then hit Save.
Survey Date
Select applicable Survey date
Select applicable Surveyor from the dropdown
Adam Smith
Reading Type
Select applicable Reading Type
Wipe Test, Surface Reading, Background Reading
Select applicable Meter
Instrument, Ion Chamber, Ratemeter
Input measured value
Wipe Test outside surface - 39.00 dpm
Input correct unit
mrem/hr, mr/hr, dpm, dps
You can select a container and add it to disposal by clicking on Add To Disposal at the top of the page. Select the applicable date and status from the dropdown history.
Click on Manage next to a Container to Add New Item or Add from Inventory.
Authorized users can also view existing Contents of the Container and its Owner and Remove contents if necessary.
Click on Contents next to a Container to view its existing Contents and its Owner.
You may combine containers by clicking on Combine next to a Container and selecting the Parent Container.
Apply Filters(1) and search for Containers, Waste Type, Location, etc. To schedule a Waste pickup click on Perform Waste Pickup.
Step: 1 Select the Containers and click Add
Delete the container using the trash icon, View container contents by clicking the magnifying glass, Edit the container code. Enter/Update Container Weight by clicking on the weighing balance icon.
Step: 2 Select the Storage location.
Step :3 Input the Location's EPA ID.
Step: 4 Click on Process Pick Up.
You may also Export the Waste Pickup Schedule by clicking on Export Waste Pickup Schedule.
Under the Waste tab, authorized users may also Request Supplies like Waste containers or Waste labels.
Step: 1 Search and Select the Location from the dropdown
Step:2 Input the Contact number
Step:3 Check the applicable Items Requested and input the Quantity. Step:4 You may use the Comments section to order additional supplies or provide more information about your request.
You may apply available Filters(1) and search for Supply Request details and Export(2) Supply Pickup Schedules. You may also respond to a Supply request by clicking on Respond (3) or Deliver (4) by filling in details like Supply Requested Date, Estimated Delivery Date, Requested, and Additional Comments.
To create a New waste Disposal request click on the New waste Disposal button and fill in the below details-
Shipment or Disposal Date
Input Date as applicable
Disposal Method
Input Disposal Method as applicable
Drain Disposal, Shipped as Decayed Waste, Returned to Manufacturer
Input applicable Status
Preparing for Disposal, Shipped, Closed
Manifest Number
Input applicable Manifest Number
Shipping Name
Input applicable Shipping Name
EPA ID Number
Input applicable EPA ID Number
DRA -09876
Attach any applicable shipment or disposal files as necessary.
Select the Container and fill in the below details -
Container Ownership
Select applicable COntainer Owners
Adam Smith
Josephine Tiller
Total Container Weight
Input applicable Total Container Weight
27 lbs
Total Container Volume
Input applicable Total Container Volume
9 gal
Content Description
Provide Content Description
Aggregated Contents
Provide details of the Aggregated Contents
[Carbon-14 ] 344.64666 uCi
[Hydrogen-3 ] 160.01216 uCi
DOT Labels
Provide details of DOT Labels as applicable
Inhalation Hazard, Radioactive, Corrosive
EPA Codes
Provide EPA Codes as applicable
Spent solvent wastes, Explosives Manufacturing, Wood preservation, etc.
Last Container Survey
Provide details of last Container Survey
No Survey / Performed Survey results
You may apply available Filters(1) and search for Disposal request details and Export(2) using Export Waste Manifests. You may also Export individual Disposal request details by clicking on the applicable Disposal entry.
Click on Edit to update changes to a Waste Disposal form. Click on Details to view the entire Waste Disposal Manifest.
A guide to settings available under Orders & Packages.
Accept & manage radioactive product orders. Manage the receipt and delivery of orders, capturing key contamination wipe test data. Allow authorized users to track the use of radioactive materials and their disposal.
You can navigate to the Orders tab either by clicking on Data Manager.
Click on Create New Order and fill the fields present under Add Order and Order Contents.
The following fields are available when adding an order.
Order Date
Date the order is placed
Ordered By
Select the Orderer from the dropdown
PO Number
Enter applicable PO Number
Blanket PO
A blanket PO will not be automatically closed upon receipt of all items.
Delivery Location
Select from Delivery locations set up
Building 101
Delivery Notes
Input any applicable Delivery Notes
To be Assayed right before delivery.
Attach any applicable Files
File attachment 1.pdf
Select Isotope
Select applicable Isotope.
P - 32 Phosphorus
Select Catalog Item
Select applicable Item from the Catalog
Perkin Elmer :PO0987YTH|120.00000 uCi|ATP, [γ-32P]- 6000Ci/mmol 10mCi/ml , 250 µCi
You may Edit the Order by clicking on the Edit gear icon next to an Order.
Order Date
Date the order is placed
Ordered By
Select the Orderer from the dropdown
Input Package Code
Account Info
Enter the Account number
PO Number
Select Order details
Adam - 9/20/2021
Blanket PO
A blanket PO will not be automatically closed upon receipt of all items.
Delivery Location
Select from Delivery locations set up
Building 101
Delivery Notes
Input any applicable Delivery Notes
To be Assayed right before delivery.
Attach any applicable Files
File attachment 1.pdf
Order Status
In Progress, Completed, Closed, Ordered, Submitted
Select Isotope
Select applicable Isotope.
P - 32 Phosphorus
Select Catalog Item
Select applicable Item from the Catalog
Perkin Elmer :PO0987YTH|120.00000 uCi|ATP, [γ-32P]- 6000Ci/mmol 10mCi/ml , 250 µCi
Below details are populated at the bottom of the Edit Order dialog box. The value of the Order placed is seen highlighted in the below image.
You may Filter Orders using the available options and Export them in a CSV file format. A detailed spreadsheet can be downloaded by using the Line Item Export option (4).
Once a package is ordered, it will need to be received by a user. To Receive a package click on Receive under the Orders tab or under Packages.
Input the details in the below fields and carry out a Survey to record Activity. Once done check the Package Inventory received and hit Submit.
Receipt Date
Date the order is received
Received By
Input who Received the package
Package For
Input who the Package is for
Input Package Code
Select Order details
Adam - 9/20/2021
Input Notes if applicable
Delivery Location
Select the Delivery Location from the dropdown
BA Room 102
DOT Labels
Select applicable DOT Labels
Inhalation Hazard, Radioactive, Corrosive
Attach any applicable Files
File attachment 1.pdf
You may Filter Packages using the available options and Export them in a CSV file format.