To add a new item to your chemical inventory, begin by clicking the Add Chemicals and Compounds button (1).
Follow the steps below to add chemicals to your inventory from the Manage Inventory page.
On the Manage Inventory screen that appears, search for your PI or Group name.
Select the location at which the item will be located/stored.
Search for the new chemical item via any of the search fields and click Find Your Catalog Item.
Of the results that appear, select your desired item.
Note: Multiple pages of results may be found; you can narrow those results by entering additional search information, i.e., Supplier, CAS, Product Number, etc.
6. Upon selection, chemical details will be auto-filled for certain sections of the form.
7. Complete entering the chemical details.
8. Once finalized, select Submit to save the inventory item. 6
If your chemical search is unable to yield results from the system catalog, a Create New Catalog Item button will appear below.
After clicking the Create New Catalog Item button, the Manage Inventory page expands to enter additional details about the new inventory item. These fields must be completed to accurately add them to the inventory for future searches.
Once you have finished entering the details, select Submit to enter the item into your inventory.