Managing Inspections
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This document will highlight performing inspections with your LSU Health SafetyStratus site. The information highlighted in this document is only available to those system users with Inspector and Administrator roles within your site.
From the main page, click on New Inspection from the left navigation pane.
The application will launch a New Inspection and default to the Location tab, as shown below.
On the Location screen, you must select an inspectable object by searching by the name of the Group (i.e. Dental, Seton, OBGYN clinic, etc).
When you have selected a Group, all the details for that particular Group will be displayed. Click on Confirm Selection to proceed to the Settings tab.
The Inspection Date defaults to the current date. You can optionally edit/ backdate the inspection by checking Override.
The Questions page is the main inspection page. An Inspector may answer questions, assign corrective actions, enter comments, and attach photos on this page. When the Inspector is finished, they can Save and Exit, Review, and/or Complete the Inspection.
Questions for each inspection are organized into Categories (1). Click the Category dropdown to expand and navigate amongst them. You may save your responses by clicking on the Save button (2) at any time.
As you navigate from one category to another, your responses in the category you are leaving are automatically saved.
For each question, a preset group of responses is available (1). In most instances, selecting ‘No’ will trigger a Corrective Action dialog box. In some cases, the answer to a question may open additional questions below (i.e., parent/child questions).
2.For any question where no corrective action is to be generated/assigned, but where you do wish to make a comment (e.g., “Great job with this,” or “No action necessary but be careful/this needs improvement”) the appropriate place for such a comment is in the Question Comment box (2).
In a question where an action triggering response is selected, a Corrective Action is generated, and the question will expand to reveal the below Action area.
Within the Corrective Action area, Inspectors have an option to edit the details of that action. From here, you may change:
3A - Assigned To - the individual responsible for correcting the corrective action.
3B - Corrected - Was it Corrected on-site?
3C - Days Until Due - The days until the Corrective action is due
3D - Comments - Add Action comments or additional details about the action noted.
3E - Attach File - Attach pictures and files to the corrective action for further detail.
If needed, you can document additional instances of the same corrective action, which can be done by clicking Add+. Doing so will generate an additional action, which can be edited/completed as described in the Corrective action tab.
Once all the questions in all the categories have been completed, select the Save button once more to save all the responses (5A), and then proceed to the Notes tab (5B).
In addition, Inspectors can optionally add notes via the Notes tab to any comments entered or corrective actions assigned for a question. These notes are most often generalized comments about the overall inspection, interactions or conversations with lab staff on-site, or anything else the inspector wishes to document.
Once all the questions/responses/actions/notes have been entered, you can either click Review Inspection (A) to display the Review window or Complete Inspection (B) to complete and submit the inspection report.
If you wish to complete the inspection at a later time, you may do so after making sure all of your responses have been saved. The inspection can be found and reopened later via the Continue an Inspection link in the left navigation pane.
On the Continue an Inspection screen, you may search for an inspection via the filter options found above the table. To start any inspection from this page, click the green Continue icon next to the desired inspection in the list. You may also choose to cancel an inspection from this page.
If you choose Review Inspection, a popup window appears which summarizes the entire inspection, including any corrective actions that have been cited and assigned.
Once you have reviewed the entire inspection and are satisfied with the content, actions, etc., and are ready to submit it, click the green Complete Inspection button in the top left of the window. All appropriate email notifications associated with this inspection will now be dispatched, and the actions officially assigned to users.
An alternative route by which you may start an inspection is by clicking on Pending Inspections (i.e., those that are overdue or soon-will-be overdue). This is done by first clicking the Pending Inspections link from the left navigation pane.
From the Pending Inspections screen, you may search or organize the list of inspectable objects (i.e., groups, assets, rooms) via the filter options (1)found above the table. To Start (2) any inspection from this page, click the green start icon next to the desired inspection in the list.
It is important for Inspectors to periodically follow up on their completed inspections to ensure all the corrective actions assigned have been addressed appropriately.
To view completed inspections, log in to the platform and click on Completed Inspections from the left navigation pane.
1A -- On the Completed Inspections page, you may filter the table of inspections by inspector name in order to view only inspections you performed
1B -- You may also filter by inspection date by customizing the date range.
2 -- Open any inspection by clicking the View Inspection Report icon.
When the inspection page opens, you will be presented with the Simple View summary page, where all the corrective actions are listed at the bottom.
For each corrective action, you can view your original inspector notes, as well as any action completion information entered by the lab member.
It is also important that inspectors monitor open inspections and actions (i.e., those that have not yet been addressed or closed). This can be done in two ways.
1. Click on Corrective Actions from the left navigation pane, after which you will be directed to the Open Inspections page.
2. You may filter the table of Open Inspections using a variety of options, all of which can be accessed by clicking on the Filters button.
3. For any listed inspections, you may view its associated open actions by clicking the Manage button. This will present a popup of the Inspection Management window.
4. Within the Inspection Management window, you may view all the corrective actions that have not yet been addressed.
5. Another way inspectors can monitor open actions is by clicking the Open Actions tab (5) within the Corrective Actions page. This will direct you to a table that individually lists all the open corrective actions
6. As with the Open Inspections page, you can filter the Open Actions table using the options available under Filters (6).
To view a listed Open action, you may either
7A) Click the "down arrow” next to the action’s due date to expand a brief summary of the action, or
7B) Click the Manage icon associated with that action to view its details.
The assigned users of corrective action(s) have the option of requesting an extension on the deadline. You can manage these extension requests by following the below steps.
Navigate to the Corrective Actions page from the main menu, after which you will need to click on the Extension Requests tab at the top of the screen
The presence of any Unanswered Extension Requests (1) is indicated by the red number badge on the tab itself. For any new extension requests, click the Manage (2) icon for that request. This will present a popup of the Corrective Action Management Window.
3. In the Correction Action Management Window, click on the Extend (3) option to display the Extend Due Date Window. Once Extend Due Date Window is displayed, edit/provide the Requested Extension Date and Reason for Extension. Click Extend.
4. As with the Open Inspections page, you can filter the Extension Requests table using the options available under Filters. Click Respond(5) to Open the Extension Request Management Window
In the Extension Request Management Window, you will see a summary of the action in question, the current due date, the requested extension date, and the user's reason for the extension. You may either Approve (1) or Deny (2) the extension request, or you may optionally change the New Due Date yourself.
After you have made any necessary date changes, click the Approve or deny button. An email notification will then be dispatched to the user informing them of your decision.
If you have any additional questions, please contact your project manager, Stephenie Langston, or