Inspection Templates
Follow these steps if a new category of questions/ or additional questions needs to be added to an Inspection.
Last updated
Follow these steps if a new category of questions/ or additional questions needs to be added to an Inspection.
Last updated
If a new category needs to be added, as an administrator, navigate to the (2) Edit Inspections Page, and click on (2) Categories. Fill out a new category name in the blank box, and click (3) Create Category
To Add a New Question, Navigate to the (1) Questions Tab from the Edit Inspections Page. To add a new question, click on (2) New Question.
Important fields to enter when generating a New Question:
Question: The question that you are entering.
Category: The category in which this question will fall under on the inspection template.
Requirement Group: the default Roster role to receive the corrective Action if one was generated for this question. (Normally, Responsible Party Required+)
Severity: The default severity for the question, can be changed mid inspection.
Type: Depending on the nature of the response required is the "Type" of question selected.
Response: allows for options that can be set to to satisfy a question, or generate a corrective action
Numeric: allows the input of a number
Text: allows to input text in a field
Response Options: Options presented to the Inspector as part of the questions response options.
Action On: The answer which will trigger a Corrective Action when selected during the inspection
Closed Action On: Response options that will register the Question generating a Corrective Action, but will close out the action as resolved.
Comment /Action: Comment that will display when a Corrective Action is generated.
Once the question and it's settings are set, click on "Create Question" and it will add it to the question list.
To establish a parent/child question, first a parent question must be created.
Things to note when generating the parent:
The parent and it's associated child must fall under the same Category.
The parent can not have a Requirement Group associated with it.
The parent should only have a yes/no Response Option set. [the child will populate when "yes" is selected from the parent question during the inspection]
Setting the child:
The child must fall under the same category as the parent.
the child will follow the same setup standards as any other question [not a parent question]
Once the parent and their associated child questions are created, locate the child question from the question list, and click on the blue person icon to establish the parent question.
When ready to put the generated questions together as an inspection template or add to an already existing template, as an administrator, click on (1) "Edit Inspection" from the Left Navigation Pane, and go to the (2) "Template Tab"
By clicking on the Green Edit Pencil Icon, a administrator can navigate the details of that Inspection Template.
A few features to note from the Edit Template Page:
Template Name: Name of the template currently being edited
Type: The type of template the system will treat this inspection as.
The Categories tab included all categories and questions previously generated that be selected on/off to be included in the current inspection template. (Using the up/down arrows to the right of the question will adjust the order of the question in this category)
On the "Settings" Tab additional settings can be adjusted:
Severity in an inspection allow for different due dates to be emphasized based on the observation. These settings can be seen by clicking on (1) "Edit Inspections" from the left navigation pane, and selecting the (2) "Severity Tab"
Clicking on the Orange Escalation Schedule for Severity will allow an administrator to set deadline days until sets of emails will be sent out from an email on a Corrective Action that has yet to be closed out.
Clicking on the Green Edit pencil Icon will allow an administrator to adjust settings on the Severity itself such as label name, color, score multiplier.