A guide to Assets & their management.
Last updated
A guide to Assets & their management.
Last updated
Manage real-time inventory of all physical assets with critical, descriptive data for each asset such as manufacturer, model, expiration dates, procedures, and any important asset specifications. All the assets are linked to their primary owner(s) and their exact location.
Create Asset Types and link Assets to them to assign Inspection schedules for all the associated Assets for an Asset Type.
Asset Type Description
Input Asset type description as applicable
Fire Safety
Inspection Required
Inspection Cycle
0- 365 days
45 days
Inspection Cycle Buffer days
No. of buffer days for scheduled inspections
Radiation asset
It is a Radiation Asset
Geiger Counter
Custom Fields
You can add custom fields to display additional info about an Asset
Batch Date, Batch Date Code, Certificate Number
Asset Type Status
Active / Inactive
Asset User Tags
Assign tags to provide special permissions to View assets.
Asset Viewer
Q1. Can a user add assets but not remove the assets? Is there a review function for adding assets?
An admin can both add assets and remove assets. There is not a way to split this between adding but not deleting. There is not a review function for adding assets.
Q2. Who can edit data in the Assets menu?
The assets menu only allows us to view the assets. Neither administrators nor general users have the ability to edit in this section.
Q3. Who can only view data in the Assets menu? Can all assets be viewed or is the access restricted to what is listed under a PI?
Both administrators and general users with the "asset viewer" tag can view the data of all the assets on the site, regardless of any restrictions imposed by the PI.
Q4. What happens when a “New Asset Type” is created? i.e., how can this new asset type be accessed for use?
To create assets, we are required to associate that asset to their respective asset types. Once created, this new asset type will be listed in the asset inventory after a new asset is added.
Q5. How does the asset map feature work?
To obtain the Geo location of a specific Asset Type, you must input the Geo Location of the corresponding Location or Building where the assets are situated. For this, choose an asset from an asset type, navigate to the building details for that asset, and input the Geolocation (refer to the attached file).
Q6. What is the value of Asset map view feature?
The map view will show the count based on the filter(s) applied. For example, if we select a location, by clicking the location icon on the map it will show the count of assets in that location. Similarly true for building and asset type
Q7. What happens when a “New Custom Field” is created? i.e. how can this new field be accessed for use?
These new custom fields can be associated with specific asset types and will be visible under the "User Defined" section for that particular asset.
Q8. Can we hide some of the UDF's from users ?