Pending Inspections: Cycle from Inspection Template

Room, Asset, and Groups, or their respective Types can have scheduled inspections based on the Template that is assigned to them.

As an administrator, navigate to the (1) Edit Inspection from the Left Navigation Pane then to the (2) Templates tab.

Click on the Green Pencil Edit Icon

From the Edit Template screen, navigate to the (1) Settings Tab and set the (2) Template Cycle specifically for this template, and hit save.

Now navigate to Data Manager and navigate to the Room, Asset, Group, or Respective Types where you set Pending Inspections from. Add that specific template you made the issued Template Cycle time frame, and if you do not set a Monthly first, Monthly Last, or Cycle Days from this menu, it will cater to the cycle set by the Inspection Template.

Any Inspector who has inspections assigned to them will see them in the Pending Inspections Page from the Left Navigation Menu.

Last updated