Inspections - Editing questions, categories, & templates

A guide to the setting up Inspection questions.

Add/Edit Question Categories

Step 1: Navigate to the Edit Inspection tab from the left menu.

Step 2: Within the Edit Inspection tab click on the Categories tab.

Step 3: If you would like to update a category, click on the pencil icon next to update the Category Name or status.

Step: 4 If you would like to add a new category, click on the Category dialog box, enter the name and click on the Create Category button.

Add/Edit Questions

Step 1: Navigate to the Edit Inspection tab from the left menu.

Step 2: Within the Edit Inspection tab click on the Questions tab

Step 3: If you would like to edit a Question, search for a question by entering it in the Question field. Then hit Apply Filters to display search results.

Step 4: You may then click on the pencil icon next to the Question you wish to edit.

You cannot edit a question that is included within an inspection template that is under ‘Continue Inspections’. If you would like to edit these, all related ‘Continue Inspections’ must be canceled or completed.

Step 5: If you would like to Add a Question, click on the +New Question button and fill in the required details.

Inactivate/Archive Questions

Step 1: Navigate to the Edit Inspection tab from the left menu.

Step 2: Within the Edit Inspection tab click on the Questions tab

Step 3: To edit a Question, click on the pencil icon next to the Question.

Step 4: Then scroll to the bottom and uncheck the Active box if you would like to mark the questions Inactive. In case you would like to completely archive the question, checkmark Archive.

Overwriting Questions

The overwrite feature allows administrators to change/update a question within inspections. This, unlike the typical edit option, rewrites all questions including the history of that question. This should only be used to correct things like spelling errors or other related items.

Step 1: Navigate to the Edit Inspection tab from the left menu.

Step 2: Within the Edit Inspection tab click on the Questions tab.

Step 3: To edit a Question, click on the pencil icon next to the Question.

Step 4: Once you have made the required edits, you may either hit Save Question to apply the changes to future inspections or you may hit Overwrite so the edits are applied back-dated.

Add/Update Inspection Templates

Step 1: Navigate to the Edit Inspection tab from the left menu.

Step 2: Within the Edit Inspection tab click on the Templates tab.

Step 3: Search for the template you would like to edit. If you would like to add a new template click on Create Template.

Step 4: Within the template, you are able to add/remove questions by checking and unchecking them. In addition, you may rearrange the question order using top/bottom arrows.

Last updated